A best-known herbal remedy for joint pain, piles, and size loss provides benefits in various kinds of inflammation. Helps in detoxification and rejuvenation actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of Guggulu. Effectively decongests the channels of the body and scrapes away toxins held within the tissues. Scrapes away unwanted toxins from the body Useful for digestive fire and thus, in turn, promoting a healthy metabolism. Useful in bringing about the release or removal of excess potassium from the system On regular use, it prevents further deposit or accumulation of toxins in the body. Helps in the removal of toxins that can lead to joint pain, arthritic conditions, muscle aches, and rheumatism. Reduces Vata and Kapha dosha's and is a powerful rejuvenator of the digestive system. Useful in improving blood circulation in the body Shows antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties Increases the basal metabolic rate Rich source of antioxidants.
- Remove toxins
- Reduce inflammation
- Enhances metabolism
- Improve digestion
- Regulates blood circulation
Take 1-2 tablets twice a day after food
Triphala (Indian gooseberry, Inknut, Bedda Nut)-treat fatigue
Long Pepper (Pippali)- prevents viral infection
Indian bdellium (guggulu)-promote Size loss
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from the direct sunlight.