Saraswatarishta is an Ayurvedic tonic whose chief ingredient is Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It is used for treating various health issues and contains 5-10% self-generated alcohol in it. This tonic works as an elixir for the human body as its benefits are immense. It is often taken as a Rasayana, which means that it can be taken life-long for improving general well-being and mental health. It increases immunity, memory, voice quality, feelings of joy and satisfaction. There are two types of this tonic available in the market, with and without gold. Both can be taken to cure various health issues.
- Helps in Depression
- Memory & Concentration
- Helps cure insomnia Cures memory loss and forgetfulness
- Cures stuttering Improves heart health Improves sexual health for men and women
How To Use
Take 15 to 30 ml with equal quantity of water or as directed by physician
Brahmi, Shatavar, Vidara, Haritaki, Ushir, Sontha, Saunf.
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep away from the direct sunlight.