Snorid drops are effective relief from snoring, clinically proven to reduce snoring, help in smooth airflow, and instantly relieve congestion.
Arsenicum album 3x 0.025 ml. Belladonna 3x 0.500 ml. Bryonia alba 3x 0.500 ml. Camphora 3x 0.500 ml. Cistus canadensis 3x 0.025 ml. Drosera rotundifolia 3x 0.025 ml. Echinacea angustifolia 3x 0.500 ml. Ephedra vulgaris 3x 0.500 ml. Hepar sulphuris calcareum3x 0.025 gm. Histaminum hydrochloricum 3x 0.500 gm. Hydrastis canadensis 3x 0.025 ml. Ignatia amara 3x 0.500 ml. Teucrium marum virum 3x 0.025 ml.
How To Use
Take 10 to 15 Drops in 10ml. of water one hour before bedtime, and then again at bedtime.
Increase or decrease dosage depending on the severity.
Use daily for 3 months for effective results.